- Understanding of BLUP
- Accessibility to the reserved sales
- Lost no karma points
- Access to passes/ageing points/MA (Morpheus Arms)
- Trustworthy (e.g to BLUP on someone else's account)
Are you all of these things? Maybe you should try out for a breeding group then.
Looking for a breeding group that is right for you may be difficult, but you could look for the following things when searching:
- Do I know how to BLUP that breed of horse?
- Will I be able to help the breeding group?
- Are they similar ages to me? (Doesn't really matter but you may want some friends you can have an easygoing chat to)
- Where are they in the rankings?
- Are they looking for new members?
Most of the time, breeding groups won't be looking for new members. But that doesn't mean you should pop in a PM and ask if you can join. You might be given a test foal and a questionnaire, the players might vote on you, there are all sorts of things used to find out whether you would be good for the breeding group.
If you are looking to create your own breeding group, here are some things you might want to think about:
- What breed? Unicorn? Thoroughbred?
- Which breed will be easiest to catch up? (You might even want a challenge)
- Will anyone join?
- What will the name of your group be?
- Can you commit to being the leader?
- How often will you honestly be able to BLUP?
Once you have considered all of this, you might be able to join or create your own breeding group!
Post in the comments which breeding groups you are in and any tips for the players.
TIP: you should start a breeding group when a new breed has recently been released, this way, you have the same advantage as other players.
Hope this has helped!
Remember to post what you think!
Thank you, really helped!