Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Competition Time

Megan presents her very first competition. Are you prepared to win?!

Your task is to create a catchy slogan I can use for my website. Play on words? Alliteration? It is all in your hands. Here are some examples to get your creativity flowing:

  1. Helping Horsey Howrsers Handle Their Game 
  2. Help at your fingertips
As you can tell, I'm not too good! So I need your help. Go ahead, get typing and post them in the comments or PM me.

Here are the prizes: 
  1. Harmony Pack & a Peggie
  2. A Medusa's Blood and a bonus 
  3. A Peggie
If you enter I will congratulate you.

Remember to leave your Howrse name so I can get back to you and tell you if you have won! 

Get typing! Oh, and I almost forgot, you get 3 entries! Use your chances wisely. 



  1. Helping to Heal Howrse Headaches since #### :D
    My name is JellyBoo on Howrse. ^-^

    1. Thanks Katy, that will be really useful.

  2. Megan's Highly Hailed Happy Howrse Help (for the Awesome)
    U don't have to use the Awesome at the end
    My name is Annabeth49
