Monday, 11 November 2013

How To Make a Successful Page


I figured I haven't wrote for a bit and I can't believe how many views I've been getting! Don't be scared to leave a comment, but make it polite please!

Today I'm going to show you how to make an interesting profile page for you Howrse account. If you make it interesting and good to look at, more people will want to read it.

First of all I suggest you get a layout. Personally, I can't make layouts :(, but there are loads of Howrse players and websites which give out free layouts! Here are some websites which give some free HTML codes for layouts:

It's good to write fun facts about yourself but don't give away too much details. 

To insert a layout, copy the HTML link it should give you, go in HTML mode when you are editing your page, and paste your layout there. Then go into normal mode and type away. 

Also, if you're doing a competition, don't crowd all the information at the top. It's best just to put a 


If you put it in red, it will be more eye catching. Plus, if your page is cluttered up with competitions at the start, no one will want to scroll all the way down to read everything else. 

I also advise you put funny/interesting icons just to make it more interesting. Try to make it look fun, you can use lots of colours but don't make it look too childish. Here are some icons to get you started: 


Hope this has given you some ideas for your page! 


Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Competition Time

Megan presents her very first competition. Are you prepared to win?!

Your task is to create a catchy slogan I can use for my website. Play on words? Alliteration? It is all in your hands. Here are some examples to get your creativity flowing:

  1. Helping Horsey Howrsers Handle Their Game 
  2. Help at your fingertips
As you can tell, I'm not too good! So I need your help. Go ahead, get typing and post them in the comments or PM me.

Here are the prizes: 
  1. Harmony Pack & a Peggie
  2. A Medusa's Blood and a bonus 
  3. A Peggie
If you enter I will congratulate you.

Remember to leave your Howrse name so I can get back to you and tell you if you have won! 

Get typing! Oh, and I almost forgot, you get 3 entries! Use your chances wisely. 


Ways to Earn Ageing Points

We all need them, so here are a few ways.

  • Open HOPs
  • Age your horses
  • Buy ten with a pass (personally not worth it) 
  • Buy one with a diamond 
  • Find two if you have two at update time
  • Find them as UFOs
  • Scroll around people's pages for personalised UFOs! 
  • Most of the promotions have ageing points as their prizes
  • Use POCs on the horses you don't want APs on 
  • Complete various objectives
  • Get your friends to gift you some
Do you have anymore ways that I have missed? Post them here. 

Thanks, Megan 

Joining Breeding Groups

Breeding groups mainly look for these things:

  • Understanding of BLUP
  • Accessibility to the reserved sales
  • Lost no karma points
  • Access to passes/ageing points/MA (Morpheus Arms) 
  • Trustworthy (e.g to BLUP on someone else's account) 
Are you all of these things? Maybe you should try out for a breeding group then.

Looking for a breeding group that is right for you may be difficult, but you could look for the following things when searching:
  • Do I know how to BLUP that breed of horse?
  • Will I be able to help the breeding group?
  • Are they similar ages to me? (Doesn't really matter but you may want some friends you can have an easygoing chat to)
  • Where are they in the rankings?
  • Are they looking for new members?
Most of the time, breeding groups won't be looking for new members. But that doesn't mean you should pop in a PM and ask if you can join. You might be given a test foal and a questionnaire, the players might vote on you, there are all sorts of things used to find out whether you would be good for the breeding group. 

If you are looking to create your own breeding group, here are some things you might want to think about:
  • What breed? Unicorn? Thoroughbred?
  • Which breed will be easiest to catch up? (You might even want a challenge)
  • Will anyone join? 
  • What will the name of your group be? 
  • Can you commit to being the leader?
  • How often will you honestly be able to BLUP?
Once you have considered all of this, you might be able to join or create your own breeding group! 

Post in the comments which breeding groups you are in and any tips for the players. 

TIP: you should start a breeding group when a new breed has recently been released, this way, you have the same advantage as other players. 

Hope this has helped! 

Remember to post what you think! 

Monday, 1 April 2013

Divine Links

By clicking on these horses (UK Howrse) you can win prizes!

Frost      Frost 

Xanthos    Xanthos    Xanthos    Xanthos     Xanthos  

Topaz        Topaz       Topaz       Topaz         Topaz


Appropriate Prices for Horses

I thought I'd give you an overall view on what prices you should pay for certain horses, because we wouldn't want you wasting your money on a horse that really isn't worth a lot!

Here a list of things to do when browsing the sales:

  • Think about what could come in handy, and whether you could make profit from the horse
For example, say there was a decent stallion, fully BLUPped, decent GP (genetic potential) and it was a price you could afford, you could make money off that stallion because you can offer coverings. With unicorns, you can sell its unicorn offspring for passes or a high amount of equus. You can also buy a cheap horse and sell it for more money, if you need some extra equus.

  • Has it got good GP or skills?
Can you train the horse and sell him for more money? Is he a good ranking in the genetics ranks? You can always check in the rankings. Chances are, a horse like this won't come cheap, but if you find a price that is right for you, then go ahead and buy.

  • Is the horse worth that price?
A lot of the time, horses aren't worth the price they are up for. Think about it. Has the horse been in the sales for a long time? If it has, it probably isn't worth that price.

This is a rough outline of what I think certain horses are worth, whether buying or selling.

  • Unicorns (MALE) - 70,000e or one pass
  • Unicorns (FEMALE) - 90,000e or one pass
  • Divines - be prepared to pay lots of passes and money for these. 
  • Donkeys (FEMALE) (take off 10,000 for each cover used) 50,000e 
  • Donkeys (FEMALE) (with no covers) 5,000
  • Donkeys (MALE)  (take off 7,000 for each cover used) 35,000e
  • Skiller - a few passes and a generous amount of equus 
If you are still looking for that perfect horse, and it says negotiable beneath the price, message the player and try a sort out a sensible price! Of course, if it is a unicorn, don't offer 2,000. That's a bit silly! 

Auctions are usually cheaper than direct sales, but you can't really negotiate with the auctions, so I advise that you try the direct sales and then go to the auctions if the direct sales haven't helped you.

I hope this has given you a brief overview on sales for horses, if you need any guidance or help, feel free to PM me under the horse name megan or post in the comments. 

Thanks, Megan. 

How to BLUP

BLUPping is used to get the highest genetic potential for your horses' offspring. Although, you only need to get to 70 BLUP to get the most genetic potential for your offspring,its always nest to get 100 as your horses will sell for more. There are three main aspects of BLUPping: 
  • Ageing your horse to 10
  • Winning 20 competitions
  • Bolding the top three skills
Bolding is when you gain the very most out of a certain skill. For example, say you wanted to bold dressage you would go on plenty of trotting rides, dressage competitions and train dressage. Once the skill has bolded, dressage will be highlighted in bold.

You can find your horse's top three skills by going in the genetics area and finding which skills have the highest numbers next to them. Here is an example.

Genetic potentialTotal: 361.41

In this case, stamina, speed and dressage would all need to be bolded.

Has this helped you? Do you have anymore questions? Either comment here with your Howrse name, where I will get back to you, or PM me on Howrse @ megan

Introduction to Megan's Howrse Help

"Hi, I'm Megan, also known on Howrse as 'megan.' I am an active player who buys passes and knows her way around the game. So I thought I'd let you in to all the ins and outs of horses. Whether you are completely experience or a newbie, this website will be tonnes of fun!"

What is this website?

This website will cover all aspects of Howrse, including BLUPping, breeding,  trading, promotions and news. Not only will it help you but it will also give some give aways and competitions which will keep you hooked.

How often will you update it?

I'm hoping to update the website at least every other day. Of course, there may be times where I update it once a week, but it will be regularly updated. 

I want to become involved in this website

I'm always looking for new fresh ideas on what to post on the website, so if you PM me on Howrse, I'll post it on my website and give you credit! There are also some forums, where I monitor the comments so it will be family friendly! 

I hope that you will be visiting soon!