Monday, 11 November 2013

How To Make a Successful Page


I figured I haven't wrote for a bit and I can't believe how many views I've been getting! Don't be scared to leave a comment, but make it polite please!

Today I'm going to show you how to make an interesting profile page for you Howrse account. If you make it interesting and good to look at, more people will want to read it.

First of all I suggest you get a layout. Personally, I can't make layouts :(, but there are loads of Howrse players and websites which give out free layouts! Here are some websites which give some free HTML codes for layouts:

It's good to write fun facts about yourself but don't give away too much details. 

To insert a layout, copy the HTML link it should give you, go in HTML mode when you are editing your page, and paste your layout there. Then go into normal mode and type away. 

Also, if you're doing a competition, don't crowd all the information at the top. It's best just to put a 


If you put it in red, it will be more eye catching. Plus, if your page is cluttered up with competitions at the start, no one will want to scroll all the way down to read everything else. 

I also advise you put funny/interesting icons just to make it more interesting. Try to make it look fun, you can use lots of colours but don't make it look too childish. Here are some icons to get you started: 


Hope this has given you some ideas for your page! 
